Featured Game Studios / Designers
We will have LOTS of game designers of Board Games, Video Games, Trading card Games, and RPGs at the convention. If you yourself have a game to show off, LET US KNOW!
To submit your game and studio fill out this form

ICHIBAN GAMES is a gaming studio based out of Akron, NY that creates Board Games and Video Games. Under their belt is their latest game PEACOCK BLOCK which has nationally been well received in stores all across the USA. Ichiban games has been at multiple conventions such as MAG-Fest, UnPub, and more, which LIL-CON will always be home. Also Mark Miller of Ichiban Games will be hosting a swath of panels, events and tournaments throughout the weekend. Mark of Ichiban Games is also known for his musician talents of Emcee MD which can also be seen at the convention. Make sure you check out all the many games that will be shown off by Ichiban Games.
Peacock Block

Peacock Block is a fast paced 3 to 5 player “Take That!” board game/card game, with 2 game modes and 3 ways to win. Players take on the roll of peacocks at rager of a party, all trying to attract the love of the bodacious Peahen by flirting, growing tail feathers, or presenting “The Ring”. However it won’t be that easy, players will stop at nothing to block each other with insults, pluck tail feathers, and cause all kinds of shenanigans to stay at the top of the pecking order. Now the real question is, are you a Cold Turkey, or a Burnin’ Hunk Of Bird?!
Play Time = 10 to 15 min
Min/Max Players = 3 to 5, (has 2 player variant and 6 player expansion)
Game Type: “Take that!”
Game Knowledge Needed: Helps if you have played heavier games
Game Toughness: Heavy
Cannon Custodian

Cannon Custodian is a retro styled arcade game of skill and hi-scores. You’re Ted, Area 51’s newest resident janitor that just so happens to get stuck in an interdenominational jail, mistaken for an era 1981 arcade machine. With an enormous cannon car, blast your way through waves of escaped convicts and their kingpins, all the while defending your energy pods; the key to your escape…and theirs! Grab massive power ups to eradicate everything that moves. Reach the bio-dome to get the power cell needed to repair the entry portal. So ready those thumbs and lock and load, because it’s time to blast some filth!
Play Time = 15 min
Min/Max Players = 1
Game Type: Arcade Styled Video Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None but knowledge of old arcade games may be helpful
Game Toughness: Easy to play, tough to master
Alchemazam! the Grand Arcanum

Alchemazam! is a Collectible Card Game/Expandable Card Game hybrid that can be played over multiple game formats. Alchemazam has been called the “open world” of Trading Card games, where it is a “dream game for those who like to brew decks”. This is the first chapter of the game, where players dawn the role of wizards, alchemists, warriors, and more, all competing in The Grand Arcanum, a tournament of champions where the victor gains a seat of the High Council. With multiple ways to defeat an opponent, players will cast spells and summon creatures, all the while managing their resources to keep their strategies strong. With over 270+ different playable cards for one’s deck, players can craft their strategies to their liking, and engage in battle. With a wide range of artists including those who have worked for Lucas Films, Marvel Comics, Everything Epic, and more, with art in the vein of realistic high fantasy, manga, comic book, anime, and more, that bring the game to life to see the spells fly. Perfect for tournament play or casual play, Alchemazam!: The Grand Arcanum is pure enchantment, wonder, and chaos.
Play Time = 15 min depending on match up
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Expandable Card game, Trading Card game Hybrid
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light / Medium
Examples of Official Card Art:

Santa’s Toy Box

Tis the season for winning! Santa’s Toy Box is a 2 to 6 player “point salad” styled set collection game, played over 3 rounds and many phases. Players draft cards that are Toys and Coal for points, as well as special event cards that can effect a player’s board state. But after scoring, players can either keep their toys and coal for the next round, or choose to burn coal to fuel the Polar Express, and donate their toys for the elves’ charity toy race. With many strategies, and twists and turns, this game will keep you warm and fuzzy even when the holidays have passed.
Play Time = 45 min to 1 hour
Min/Max Players = 2 to 6
Game Type: Set Collection, Take That, Point Salad
Game Knowledge Needed: Helps if you have played heavier games
Game Toughness: Medium


Time to make a splash! W.A.V.E.S. Is an randomly generated, personal player board, competitive exploratory game where players control a team of divers in waters that are turbulent with seismic activity. The most rarest jewels are abundant, but so is the danger! Sharks, Whirlpools, and Volcanic Ocean Spires to thwart your grabbing of your precious gems. more by collecting as many jewels as you can! It’s time to grab those jewel! So get out there and dive, but get back to the beach before the Tsunami’s come, or less you’ll be sleeping with the fishes.
Play Time = 45 min to 1 Hour
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Dungeon Crawling, Press Your Luck, Pick Up And Deliver, Bingo Mechanic
Game Knowledge Needed: Helps if you have played heavier games
Game Toughness: Light Medium

Higgs Boson

Higgs Boson is a 2 to 4 player Worker Placement, Resource Management, Engine Building, Dual-Deck Builder. Players lead a teams of scientists in strive of the most victory points all the while trying discover the 7 yet unknown elements of the Periodic Table, or executing the formula of the Big Bang. Along the way, players will be upgrading thier labs, hiring more scientists, and buying patents for advancements of mankind such as Flying Cars, Worm Holes, Light Speed, and more, which give them special advances, money, and points. But to execute these patents, Players will research for compounds that they eventually must spend for getting the elements present from 2 different decks to build their very own Atom Smasher’s utilization potential. Now is your chance to become the most known scientist in history, and seize the Nobel prize!
Play Time = 3 to 4 hrs
Min/Max Players = 2 to 6
Game Type: Worker Placement, Dual Deck Building, Resource management, Card Powers, and Auction Mechanic
Game Knowledge Needed: Helps if you have played heavier games
Game Toughness: Heavy


DPH GAMES from Horseheads NY, lead by pioneer game designer DAN HUNDYCZ shall be at LIL-CON both days showing off many of his internationally known games, as well as brand new prototypes for all to play. Dan is veteran of the convention since LIL-CON #1, and has grown into a strong sensation seen at conventions such as GEN-CON, Origins Game Fair, and more, with widely popular games that his company makes. Games from his studio will also be on sale so come, play, and buy. Dan is also a game publisher as well as a designer and will be displaying some of the games he has of his publishing as well.

The hysteria over witches among the people of Salem swept the region like a disease in 1692. As is the case in any tragic event, there are those whom will use the circumstances to their advantage. Under the veil of the witch-hunt lie other motivations; power, greed, revenge and righteousness. AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 is a game set in the hysteria of a witch-hunt. Use your influence to whisper in the ear of the magistrate, judge, governor or minister to protect some and have others arrested. Salem was a chance to gain property, exact revenge and prove one’s righteousness. The characters in the game were actual residents of the Salem region. This is the closest possible simulation of actual events in a game to date.
Play Time = 1 hour
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Worker Placement, Card powers
Game Knowledge Needed: A little for worker placement
Game Toughness: Medium

The Establishment

The Establishment is a card-based, GMless role playing game. You play as a member of a secret group whose goal is to control humanity. Using influencers in society under your sway and making deals with other players, you choose a path during pivotal points in the story.
Play Time = 1 to 2 hrs
Min/Max Players = 3 to 5
Game Type: Card Based GM-less RPG
Game Knowledge Needed: Not much needed
Game Toughness: Medium

Gates Of R’lyeh

It will take a team of extraordinary individuals to embark on this mission of cosmic proportions and apocalyptic repercussions. As specialists from the Department of Paranormal Investigations, you have been sent to perform incantations to create four sigils and reinforce the cosmic gate. Cultists are sure to be aware of your plans by now and are secretly plotting to thwart them. The clock is ticking and time is running short.
Play Time = 45 min to 1 hour
Min/Max Players = 3 to 7
Game Type: Cooperative with Traitor Social Deduction Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light Medium
Usurp The King

The King may be in trouble. The court that surrounds him contains subjects who seek power. Each player represents a family that will vie for control over subjects. Featuring seven victory conditions the path to victory may shift as you gain more information about each subject’s motives and those of the other families. Your allegiances will twist and change based on your interests. The subjects are but pawns.
Play Time = 30 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 5
Game Type: Area Majority
Game Knowledge Needed: Not but helps
Game Toughness: Light Medium
Madoshi: Priests Of Sun And Moon

The land itself—the rocks, trees, mountains, and rivers—are infused with latent magical energy. This energy needs only a focus to give it life. The Sun and the moon struggle with each other to give the Mononoke life. The sun rises and grows in power, while her influence is strong her priests manipulate the elements of nature to lure Yokai to do her bidding. As the day grows long, she weakens and soon sees that she is not alone. Surging with the darkness is the Moon, who also has plans to use the spirits and ghosts on this plane. The battle will rage on. As the priests of the sun and moon pivot for advantage. A 1 or 2 player ½ hour game where you will assume the role of priests of the Sun and the Moon taking turns to capture Yokai. Play occurs on a 5×5 grid with players swapping one token to create a pattern of elements matching that on the available Yokai cards. More power is gained with matches in the source element. After capture, there is a release of magical energy and the field of battle will change as a result. Voids are created, wild magic appears, or the universe could shift.
Three levels of Yokai cards are placed next to the game board, and when one of the decks has been depleted, the game ends. Most points wins.
Play Time = 20 min
Min/Max Players = 2
Game Type: Strategy Abstract
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light
Inca Empire

Become one of the Inca’s regional leaders in Inca Empire: The Card Game! Expand the empire by extending your road system, build cities to house your people, and construct temples to please the gods.
In the game, players take on the role of an “Apu”, a regional leader, and construct cities and colcas (storehouses that contain fish, corn, and potatoes) between the cities. These are all connected by a road system that players build out from the capital city of Cusco. The improvements to regions are for the benefit of the empire. Players additionally stock storage huts, create terraces for additional power in future rounds, make trade agreements with other players, construct temples, and use extra workforce cards to take special actions.
In the end, Sapa, “the Only One”, will favor only the leader who does the best over the empire’s four eras.
Play Time = 10 to 15 min
Min/Max Players = 3 to 5, (has 2 player variant and 6 player expansion)
Game Type: Drafting, Management
Game Knowledge Needed: Lighter but helps
Game Toughness: Light

Psychological Warfare

The twisted half hour card game. A mental battle where you try to thwart your opponents while attempting to meet your own needs.
All games incorporate psychology, this one takes it head on. You will be using Backhanded Compliments, Clever Insults, Paranoia, Stress and Phobias to manipulate scores in a direction that you choose. It has a twists and multiple tactics, counter-actions that keep the game fresh and replay-able.
Play Time = 30 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Variable Powers, Resource Management
Game Knowledge Needed: A little but not much
Game Toughness: Medium


This may look like a kid’s game, but the experience is much more geared for teens and adults looking for a light, fun programming game.
Cats all start with the same cards: (Catch, Stalk, Play, Steal, Taunt, and Eat). No luck of the draw here, it’s entirely up to you! Get as many enjoyment points as possible and win the game! Plan and anticipate what the others will do so that you can claim birds from the backyard or from other cats.
Play Time =30 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Programming
Game Knowledge Needed: Not really but helpful
Game Toughness: Light

Legacy At Sea

Given few options, many choose a life of plunder and strife. Life aboard a pirate ship is anything but easy. Cramped quarters, storms, rats and infested food, most will be lucky to survive. A few could even find fortune. Be skilled and your name may live on in history. How will you be remembered?
Play Time =1 hr 30 min
Min/Max Players = 1 to 4
Game Type: Dice rolling and action management
Game Knowledge Needed: Helpful
Game Toughness: Medium

Casual Dragon Games

A game studio staple at LIL-CON comes Casual Dragon Games where one half of it’s team Jason Gough will be there hanging out, teaching games, and showing off the newest and coolest games of Casual Dragon Games. With 2 published games under the company’s belt as well as more coming, get ready to play some interesting and diverse games of awesome game design.
Island Dice

Survive the Players, Survive the Island, Survive the DICE. Choice, Strategy, and Chance will be used each turn in the attempt to unite the island or eliminate your opponents. More strategy than chance. Each turn you will roll 6 dice simultaneously. Three dice will determine your movement, your income, and your chance at more population. Three more dice will be chosen from the eleven additional option dice. They include native movement dice, the Protection Die, the Restriction Die, the Kill Die, and the dreaded Cataclysm Die. With all these results, choose how and when to resolve each die to further yourself and your own survival. Will you choose to attack, run, fortify, or do you have something else in mind?
Play Time = 30 min+
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Strategy, Dice Action Selection
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light Medium
Zombie Sheep

Zombie Sheep is a card game for 2 – 4 players where each player represents a group that find zombie sheep desirable in their own ways:
Sheep Herders – Sheep are their lives and undead wool must be valuable.
Animal Lovers – They have a love of all animals and an undead sheep is quite unique.
Zombie Fanatics – This group is simply a fan of all zombies but a sheep zombie now that is different.
Mad Scientist – The strange and unknown must be “studied”.
Each of these groups race to capture 5 points worth of zombie sheep. Zombie Sheep has 17 sheep that are each a parody tribute to horror or zombieism. The players will play cards to try and catch sheep while preventing others from doing the same.
Play Time =15 to 30 min
Min/Max Players = 1 to 4
Game Type: “Take That!”
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light


BRYGs is a pirate themed abstract parlor game where players will each have a secret objective to capture six of their secret objective pieces to win. Players will draw pieces out of a draw bag and strategicly place the colors on the board, stopping others and helping themselves.
Play Time =15 to 30 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Abstract Parlor Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light

Lords Of Spell And Stone
Lords Of Spell and Stone is a strong worker placement game where you build up your stats and build your castle, as well as sling spell and alchemy. Spaces are tight, especially for training spots, and also in the market. Buy tools and stone, as well as spells, and grow your herb gardens or forage for them. Herbs are helpful in your spell castings which those spells give effects. Most points wins!
Play Time =1 hr 30 min
Min/Max Players = 1 to 4
Game Type: Dice rolling and action management
Game Knowledge Needed: Helpful
Game Toughness: Heavy

Starship Deathtrap
Starship Deathtrap is a cooperative game where players are members of a rickety star fleet that you are trying to sell for scrap. The thing is you need to get to your destination. The cosmos is a hostile place, though, where alien pirates, mutant viruses, your ship bursting into flames, and more are just a few of the dangers on your trek. Help each other or perish in the great expanse of space!
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Cooperative Action
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium


USIAK GAMES is back as one of our awesome game designers, and now only that, but you can exclusively try the EXPANSION FOR SKEPTICS!!
Jon Usiak from Usiak Games is a master in his own right. He has worked for major companies like everything Epic, and done work for both board game and video game design alike, especially with his hand drawn and 3D artworks.
SKEPTICS (and it’s new expansion)
Skeptics is a cooperative dungeon crawling styled game where players are a team of ghost hunters trying to solve puzzles while traverse maps, and they reveal and expose that ghosts exist. Collect tools and find secrets as you roll dice to reveal the spirits origins with sight, cameras, and more. But you don’t have much time, because the ghost will be gone forever if you run out!
Usiak Games will be showing off the game SKEPTICS with the new expansion prototype of “THE THEATER” the whole convention. Be sure to meet Jon and hang out as he will be showing off and selling SKEPTICS all throughout the event. A hauntingly good time for a hauntingly good game studio!
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Dungeon Crawling, Cooperative Action, and Dice Rolling
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium
Nithika & Rithka of University Of Indianapolis

Nithika Elugula and Rithika Elugula, two accomplished Master’s students specializing in Human Computer Interaction at Indiana University, as they unveil their innovative creation at LIL CON: “Resilience Showdown: Laugh, Learn, and Grow Together.” This pioneering game, tailored for university-level students and adults, presents a fresh perspective on emotional resilience and stress reduction.
“Resilience Showdown” transforms the often intimidating path of self-discovery and personal growth into an enjoyable journey. Through the infusion of humor, teamwork, and thought-provoking challenges, the game equips players with vital life skills while fostering an uplifting and stress-relieving atmosphere. Beyond its individual benefits, it cultivates a sense of unity and support among participants, making it an ideal tool for building resilient communities.
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Cooperative with winner
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light
Justin Dilgard Games

Justin Dilgard hails from Western NY and brings a great spice to his inovative games. He has many diferent
Introducing Witches Guild, a new Trading Card Game from the exceptional mind of Justin Dilgard. In this game players can play as factions of witches, casting spells and creatures to help gain resources for powers, and unlocking point cards with actions. The first player to exceed the point total wins the game. Make sure you play the game to pick up some very special promos. You can test out Witches Guild also on Tuesday October 10 at Casual Dragon games along with the WNY Game Dev meet up group.
Justin has a special promo that you can get for trying out Witch’s Guild, one you can ONLY get at LIL-CON!
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Cooperative Action
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium


Mad Habit Games is an Ithaca based game design duo of Randi DeMichiei and Sasha Tolstoshev. They make unconventional games with a zany flavor, but also an ambition to emulate the simplicity, depth, and elegance of the classics. Mad Habit have created games which meld together competitive and co-operative gameplay, games where cheating is not only permitted but mandatory, games whose scores rise so high they must be written in scientific notation, and games which blur the lines between turn-based and real time play. With their strong focus on emergent storytelling and novel gameplay concepts, we hope our games will test your wits, tell you tales, and mess with your heads!
Vorare: Path Of The Wolf
Cradle Of Bullets
Cheaters Prosper
Vorare: Path of the Wolf
Vorare: Path of the Wolf is a competitive co-op board game that follows a pack of wolves working together to survive four seasons in their forest home while competing over leadership of the pack. This exciting game combines many classic elements, including resource management, bidding, strategic hunts between predators and prey, and seasonal themed event cards. Vorare: Path of the Wolf is filled with nature, adventure, team work and strategy. Come dine with us!
Game type: Co-Operative Strategy and Resource Management
Amount of players: 4 to 6 players
Amount of time per game session: 1 hr 30 min
Play Time = 1 hr 30 min
Min/Max Players = 4 to 6
Game Type: Strategic Co-Operative Strategy and Resource Management
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: medium
Cradle of Bullets
Cradle of Bullets is a 2-4 player game of spacecraft bloodsport. Competitors strap into ships which, once in motion, stay in motion. Try to wrap your head around a game of persistent momentum and rotation amid a hail of laser fire, and a cat’s cradle of railgun bullets all while dodging mines and other ships. Turns are taken simultaneously, and a few small choices between rotational and linear thrusters, firing different weapons, and managing energy and shields yields a game of chaotic complexity.
Play Time =45 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Strategic Combat
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium
Cheaters Prosper
Belly up to the card table and step into the role of an outlaw who plays by their own rules in Cheaters Prosper, a wild west style party game. Use that ace up your sleeve as you face opponents with sticky fingers. Call your opponents bluff to gain the high ground, or suffer at the hand of your own distrust. Get ready to show off your wits, lie, steal, strategize and cheat your way to victory.
Play Time = 45 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Bluffing Parlor styled Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light
Superset is a card game for one to infinity players which tests your numerical nimbleness using the basic tools of arithmetic. A random mathematical expression is dealt to the center of the board, and using the numbers one through ten and the basic mathematical operators, players compete to match the expression as discursively as possible, as their score will be built using the same cards they played to match the expression. Bonuses can be won by approximating irrational numbers, and scores soar to astronomical heights in this game of arithmetic virtuosity.
Play Time = 10 min
Min/Max Players = Any number
Game Type: Card Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light

Let’s Play Studios joins up for Saturday’s portion of LIL-CON, with their long time running game “Let’s Play Football. It’s a fast paced dice and card game that many have enjoyed in many playtests events. Stop on out to play a fast game singular or with a team mate for extra fun.
Play Time = 30 min
Min/Max Players =2 to 4
Game Type: Card and Dice Roll Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light

Reactor Games’ Jesse Gardner is coming to LIL-CON to show off his first game, the awesome deck competitive building game, Crisis 1962. Playing up to 1 to 4 players, players will be taking turns building their deck by researching and developing new cards, creating bases filled with scientists, physicists, politicians, and other survivors. Should our worst fears come true, you will also need to fill these bases with your missile silos, missiles, aircraft, submarines, and defensive missiles in order to ensure mutually assured destruction.

Play Time = 45 min to 1 hour
Min/Max Players =2 to 4 – (4 as teams)
Game Type: Competitive Deck Builder
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light Medium

LIL-CON is proud to have the new up and coming Game Studio BRADAIGH GAMES LLC, a team that makes unique games where players can connect and show they are putting in their all, to make the most quality of games. Their debut game Carden: The Dark Fortress will be shown off where players can proverbially “sink their teeth” into this incredible game. From its are to its design, this is a pure win!

Game type: Worker Placement, Resource Management, All against 1 cooperative /competitive
Amount of players: 4 to 7
Amount of time per game session: 1 hour 30 min
Play as a villager and build the town with your workers, or play as Carden the bloodthirsty devious vampire, in a game of worker placement, engine building, deceit, trickery, and annihilation. Destroy Carden and his castle, or as Carden, bribe, devour, and kill. This multiplayer game of darkness will surely be a hit for all gamers to try.

Sometimes we all are in the airport, on the bus, or just at home alone, looking for something cool to do. For board gamers, you just want to play something fun but no one is around. To the rescue comes the wonderful games of Emily Fagerstrom, a game designer with knack for making cool quirky solo games. Each game is a fun and interesting experience, where you play in a fun 1 player bubble.
Each Game is a 1 player game
Each game is about 15 minutes long
Squeaky Clean
Squeaky Clean is a solo game where you are a criminal trying to clean your dirty money (and laundry). Acquire “crew” as well as tools for the jobs, but look out for the fuzz! Lots of laundry puns and great times.
Chutes And Levers
A maze styled side-scroller arcade feeling type game where your player piece moves to the right, and in true platformer fashion, you can’t move left. You can jump, tilt the card sideways with levers, and warp by flipping the card. Reach the exit to win!
Tilting At Windmills
Manage your windmill and make points by rotating your windmill and gathering resources. Make sure your windmill is working strong, or things will go bad quickly. Flour, Cloth, and wood will all aid in the market to trade for points. A whimsical game with lots of great thought.

Midnight Blue International from Niagara Falls NY is an internationally known game studio that focuses on the original Intellevision. They have many releases under their belt, as well as creating tools for PCs. Michael Hayes of MBI is also an educator as well the programmer for the company. There will be many games on display and for sale, but predominantly the game FUBAR, which can hold a mass amount of people for a tournament. If you like Splatoon, FUBAR is right up your alley!

The awesome game studio Citizens Loft Interactive is coming to LIL-CON, with their awesome 4 player top down arcade styled game Shred The Dead. In Shred The Dead you are a bunch of musicians that are trying to escape the level, but you are chased by hordes of ravenous dead enemies. You must blast your way through to get to the van, escape, and clear the levels. There’s lots of bosses, and a bunch of levels, in this musical gore fest. Stop by the booth in the Video Game Lounge and grab some friends for some 4 player musical annihilation to some undead brain sucking creeps. Also support the game on its upcoming Kickstarter!
Check out the trailer