Play Test Play Fest is a FREE TO THE PUBLIC, one of a kind event that gives YOU, the gamer, the chance to play new games before they are published, as well as give feedback and insight to the designers. Tabletop / Board Games, Card Games, Video Games, and more! All free to play and test out!
This event help game designers advance their game by your thoughts and feedback, a VERY needed thing in getting more games off the ground. You and your feedback are massively important, and crucial to any game being one step closer to publishing.

At this event, all kinds of games are ran all day long, which everyone will get a chance to play everything they want to. The earlier you come, the better to try all the games you can. 🙂
If you have friends, BRING THEM DOWN, this especially helps us coordinate things if needed.
Play Test Play Fest is an ALL AGES and FREE TO THE PUBLIC event.
Each attendee gets a stamp card. For each game you play, you collect points. Get points to get prizes and discounts!

at Casual Dragon Games
136 Walnut St. Lockport NY
Starts at 1:00PM
All Ages!
Free to come and play!
Pre-registration helps us coordinate for space, and aid in games being shown, as well as score card and prize giveaways!

Cannon Custodian is a retro styled arcade game of skill and hi-scores. You’re Ted, Area 51’s newest resident janitor that just so happens to get stuck in an interdenominational jail, mistaken for an era 1981 arcade machine. With an enormous cannon car, blast your way through waves of escaped convicts and their kingpins, all the while defending your energy pods; the key to your escape…and theirs! Grab massive power ups to eradicate everything that moves. Reach the bio-dome to get the power cell needed to repair the entry portal. So ready those thumbs and lock and load, because it’s time to blast some filth!
Play Time = 15 min
Min/Max Players = 1
Game Type: Arcade Styled Video Game
Game Knowledge Needed: None but knowledge of old arcade games may be helpful
Game Toughness: Easy to play, tough to master
Alchemazam! the Grand Arcanum

Alchemazam! is a Collectible Card Game/Expandable Card Game hybrid that can be played over multiple game formats. Alchemazam has been called the “open world” of Trading Card games, where it is a “dream game for those who like to brew decks”. This is the first chapter of the game, where players dawn the role of wizards, alchemists, warriors, and more, all competing in The Grand Arcanum, a tournament of champions where the victor gains a seat of the High Council. With multiple ways to defeat an opponent, players will cast spells and summon creatures, all the while managing their resources to keep their strategies strong. With over 270+ different playable cards for one’s deck, players can craft their strategies to their liking, and engage in battle. With a wide range of artists including those who have worked for Lucas Films, Marvel Comics, Everything Epic, and more, with art in the vein of realistic high fantasy, manga, comic book, anime, and more, that bring the game to life to see the spells fly. Perfect for tournament play or casual play, Alchemazam!: The Grand Arcanum is pure enchantment, wonder, and chaos.
Play Time = 15 min depending on match up
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Expandable Card game, Trading Card game Hybrid
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: Light / Medium
Examples of Official Card Art:

Santa’s Toy Box

Tis the season for winning! Santa’s Toy Box is a 2 to 6 player “point salad” styled set collection game, played over 3 rounds and many phases. Players draft cards that are Toys and Coal for points, as well as special event cards that can effect a player’s board state. But after scoring, players can either keep their toys and coal for the next round, or choose to burn coal to fuel the Polar Express, and donate their toys for the elves’ charity toy race. With many strategies, and twists and turns, this game will keep you warm and fuzzy even when the holidays have passed.
Play Time = 45 min to 1 hour
Min/Max Players = 2 to 6
Game Type: Set Collection, Take That, Point Salad
Game Knowledge Needed: Helps if you have played heavier games
Game Toughness: Medium


USIAK GAMES is back as one of our awesome game designers, and now only that, but you can exclusively try the EXPANSION FOR SKEPTICS!
Jon Usiak from Usiak Games is a master in his own right. He has worked for major companies like everything Epic, and done work for both board game and video game design alike, especially with his hand drawn and 3D artworks.
SKEPTICS (and it’s new expansion)
Skeptics is a cooperative dungeon crawling styled game where players are a team of ghost hunters trying to solve puzzles while traverse maps, and they reveal and expose that ghosts exist. Collect tools and find secrets as you roll dice to reveal the spirits origins with sight, cameras, and more. But you don’t have much time, because the ghost will be gone forever if you run out!
Usiak Games will be showing off the game SKEPTICS with the new expansion prototype of “THE THEATER” the whole convention. Be sure to meet Jon and hang out as he will be showing off and selling SKEPTICS all throughout the event. A hauntingly good time for a hauntingly good game studio!
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Dungeon Crawling, Cooperative Action, and Dice Rolling
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium

Epic Portal Games is a newly founded tabletop game company, with their first game Barn Brawl on its way soon to Kickstarter page. In the game, players will enter the world of The Barnyard, where bright and comical animals come to life, harnessing abilities by building up power across your team. Equip your brawlers with powerful items that can be used during the BRAWL PHASE for even more power. You must risk brawlers you place down in a secret action event that takes place right when every player’s individual brawler teams are placed down to fight. This is a cycle based game which repeats with numerous battle phases that have rounds of trophies for each winner. The winner of the game will be the player who reaches 7 brawler trophy points first in a game!
Play Time =45 min to 1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Card Battling
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium

Lords Of Spell And Stone
Lords Of Spell and Stone is a strong worker placement game where you build up your stats and build your castle, as well as sling spell and alchemy. Spaces are tight, especially for training spots, and also in the market. Buy tools and stone, as well as spells, and grow your herb gardens or forage for them. Herbs are helpful in your spell castings which those spells give effects. Most points wins!
Play Time =1 hr 30 min
Min/Max Players = 1 to 4
Game Type: Worker Placement
Game Knowledge Needed: Helpful is you are familiar with the genre
Game Toughness: Heavy

Starship Deathtrap
Starship Deathtrap is a cooperative game where players are members of a rickety star fleet that you are trying to sell for scrap. The thing is you need to get to your destination. The cosmos is a hostile place, though, where alien pirates, mutant viruses, your ship bursting into flames, and more are just a few of the dangers on your trek. Help each other or perish in the great expanse of space!
Play Time =1 hr
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Cooperative Action
Game Knowledge Needed: None
Game Toughness: light medium


Zarcana is a interesting in depth Trading Card Game created by Deryck Seven Studios. The game has each player with a spell book that they use in conjunction with their cards, to bring out cast and fortify defenses and claim victory from attacks and spellcasting.

Play Time =30 min
Min/Max Players = 2 to 4
Game Type: Trading Card Game
Wacky Invaders

Wacky Invaders by eStudio Noon is an arcade inspired VR video game where players are defending themselves in a 360 degree rotation of oncoming UFOs and other alien enemies, all trying to destroy you. Blast enemies while dodging on rails while racking up high scores in a hectic barrage of encounters as you travel along the rails of your cannon car.
Play Time =10 to 20 min
Min/Max Players = 1
Game Type: Arcade VR Shooter
Street Jam!

Street Jam! is a tactical basketball sports game with expandable card game elements where players build their teams, switch out players, and shoot to score rolling dice and adding the player effects. The game can be played over one game or even a “season”, where players can go from Rookie and become later an All-Star.

Play Time =10 to 20 min
Min/Max Players = 1
Game Type: Tactical expandable card game dice roller.

Your goal is to dig up a buried treasure. To find the treasure, you must visit stone tablets with pieces of the treasure map etched on them. Meanwhile, wandering monsters will be an ever-present threat. Your party of adventurers must learn skills and gain items as they search if they are to survive their quest.

Play Time =20 to 30 min
Min/Max Players = 1
Game Type: Tactical Adventure RPG Video Game

Tabletop Empires is a cooperative roleplaying wargame where you take control of a nation of your own design. You will act out its diplomacy, engage in brutal wars, take control over precious resources, conquer new lands, and build your empire into the greatest in the realm. You may achieve supremacy with trusted allies, or all by your lonesome.
The goal of the game is to interact with other nations and make or break ties, forge alliances, wage war, expand your territory, capture resources, explore the lands for treasure & riches, and ultimately become the most powerful actor. The game may be played in a competitive fashion where each player vies for power and supremacy with multiple paths to victory including Wealth, Diplomacy, and Warfare. Tabletop Empires may also be played in a cooperative, long-form roleplaying style, with no particular end in mind where you and your friends engage in a cooperative storytelling experience.
Throughout the game you will conjure up a small nation; Its customs, values, behaviors, and lifestyle, as well as the nation’s ruler and their own set of unique features. You will get to design your royal banner, and the path in which your nation will take to victory.
Play Time = Variable, Quick game sessions usually 2+ hours (Starting conditions could be altered to speed up gameplay).
Min/Max Players = 2 to 6+
Game Type: Tabletop Strategy, Management, Light Wargame

Introducing Witches Guild, a new Trading Card Game from the exceptional mind of Justin Dilgard. In this game players can play as factions of witches, casting spells and creatures to help gain resources for powers, and unlocking point cards with actions. The first player to exceed the point total wins the game. Make sure you play the game to pick up some very special promos.
JOMRATI & GoldDigger

2 Games for the price of 1! Midnight Blue International has 2 out of 3 games to show for thier game compilation of Intelevision styled games.
JOMRATI is a port of a Windows 3.1 styled game where you roll dice and take chances to earn a higher score than your opponent.
GoldDigger is an adaptation of a Windows 3.1 game, originally titled Gold Hunt. Dig for gold and use the clues to deduce where the gold is hidden, in the shortest time with the fewest number of digs. Play alone or with or against a second player.

WNY Game Dev, which is a good community Hub to find others who like to play and design games. This group is located in the Western NY area but welcomes ANYONE who is a game designer or game enthusiast from anywhere in the world to meet, talk, and play games. WNY game Dev goes to many events locally and nationally.

Ichiban Games Game Studio is the premier sponsor, in which we are here to help cultivate the gaming scene and help everyone grow, while we also grow and produce high quality board games, video games, TCGs, and more! Come meet TONS of gamers and join us in gaming in our Discord and more!

SickboY PrductionZ INC is the parent company and premier Concert and Event promotions company in WNY, specializing in niche entertainment for all.

LIL-CON is the best Gaming and Events festival you could ever ask for.

Casual Dragon Games Fame Store is where you can find anything from Board games to Video games , TCGs, RPGs, Miniatures, Disc Golf, and a lot more. They also have an escape room. They have tournaments, events, and much more . This is where we have many events and where a LOT of the WNY game community gathers.

Push Start Media Network is a Podcast and Twitch Network housing many talents. Created by the creative entrepreneur Christian Ham, come see the awesome media they produce, especially the Twitch stream.
Twitch Link
Push Start Media Web Page

A retro game streamer with a LOT of heart. Playing known and unknown retro and current video games while cultivating a strong positive community.
Twitch Link