EMCEE M.D. – National Renowned Musician – With high energy hip hop music of the nerdy kind is the Nintendo Powerglove wearing hip hop musician EMCEE M.D. A resident performer of LIL-CON for many years, Mark Miler under the stage name EMCEE M.D. has performed at conventions such as MAG-Fest, UB-Con, and others, as well as playing huge national concerts and festivals. With multiple albums and singles under his belt, a powerful stage presence, plus a ton of crowd interaction, makes every concert an experience of fun whimsical chaos.

One final fun fact is that EMCEE M.D. is not only a musician but also the mastermind behind the gaming company Ichiban Games, and is a pixel and hard drawn artist as well as gaming musician as well as designer for video games and board games. You can check some of them out in the gaming areas of LIL-CON as well.

At 10PM on DAY 1 of LIL-CON (Saturday November 18), EMCEE M.D. will be performing a special exclusive musical performance. Get ready for some sing-a-longs, dino hats, and songs all about video games, superheroes, and slices of life, in this raging epic concert of dynamic nerdcore hip hop.
Date and Time: Sunday November 18 at 10PM
Event Location: Event Room